"Children are likely to live up to what you believe in them"
-Lady Bird Johnson
Services can be provided at the patient's home, their school or their daycare. At this time we only offer services in the immediate Decatur area.
Greater Decatur Speech will make every attempt to accommodate your family’s scheduling needs. Weekly standing appointment times are strongly recommended to ensure your time is available. Please notify the speech therapist within 24 hours if you need to cancel or reschedule an appointment. If your child is sick, please notify the speech therapist to reschedule the session when child is free from illness for at least 24-48 hours.
Therapy Sessions
Therapy sessions are either 30 minutes or 45 minutes in length, typically 1 or 2 times a week. The length and frequency of sessions will be determined based on age and attention of the child, in addition to payment source and family’s requests.
Each child will have 3-month and 6-month goals written for them based on testing results and caregiver concerns. These goals will be assessed and modified as needed by the speech therapist, based on the patient's progress. The speech therapist will provide weekly feedback, and homework following each session. Monthly updates on progress will also be reported to the family.
Copies of all documentation are available for the parents. The speech therapist is able to submit documentation to doctors, teachers, and other care providers if written consent is provided.
Initial Visit
The initial visit with your speech therapist will be an evaluation session that will include paperwork, a parent interview, and appropriate standardized assessments.
Evaluation sessions typically last about two hours, but vary based on the patient’s age, participation, and necessary testing. Following the evaluation, the speech therapist will score the tests, interpret results, and write an evaluation report including goals to be targeted during therapy.
During the initial treatment session, parents are encouraged to discuss goals with the speech therapist so that they can be well suited to the family’s needs.
Initial Visit Checklist
Please make sure the following items are complete prior to your initial appointment
Current Evaluation If you have one from an outside provider, completed within the last 12 months. Otherwise we will need to perform an updated evaluation by our trained speech therapist.
Case History Form
Privacy Policy Form
Authorization to Release Form
Financial Consent Form